Friday, January 28, 2011

Assignment 1 doggonit!

A.  Big Idea: Who people truly are
Topics: Dressed different then how they act, look nice but really mean, preppy but a huge drug addict

B.  How do I do this?
How do different stereotypes "act"?
How do people become "accepted"?

C.  Who People Truly are is about character
Who People Truly are is about lies
Who People Truly are is about image
Who People Truly are is about acceptance
Who People Truly are is about perseverance
Who People Truly are is about friendship
Who People Truly are is about everything
Who People Truly are is about being yourself
Who People Truly are is about taking risks
Who People Truly are is about the truth

1 comment:

  1. Kevin - Your "Topics" are actually more like "Subject Matter." A more accurate list of topics might be:

    Appearance vs. Reality,
    Facade vs. Real Personality,
    Superficial vs. Genuine,
    The Lies we Tell,
    and so on...

    Your statements, on the other hand, are stellar. Character, lies, image, acceptance, truth - these are the things that build on your Big Idea.

    Good start.
